Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

This blog is about my favourite leisure activities and some thoughts in general.

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Thursday, December 10, 2020

Robert Johnson - Can You Hear The Wind Howl ?


After the ongoing purgtes on YouTube, it is mostly interesting for lovers of kitten 

videos or teenys looking for make-up assistence. Nonetheless some gems can be

unearthed as the documentary with the above name.

For many years now i have an admiration for Country Blues, be it the musicians

personality, the music itself or the rambling lifestyle. No matter how poor many

of them have been, they were usually neatly dressed, what is another aspect im-

pressing me. In the early 90's i travelled from Clarksdale down to Greenville along

the Mississippi River to soak up the atmosphere there. Unfortunately no blues man

playing his guitar on a front porch could be spotted. Had been something sitting

down next to him, listening perhaps with a shot of booze. With the big names mean-

while long gone, the Country Blues seems to be on on the verge of becoming a 

lost art, though certainly some folks like myself try to pass on the torch to youngsters

trying to kindle some enthusiasm. Recently in Berlin i picked only a couple of notes

from a Mississippi John Hurt song and people digged it immediately. Long may it 

last ...

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