Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

This blog is about my favourite leisure activities and some thoughts in general.

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Friday, May 19, 2023



Now we know lefties love nothing more than reaching out their hands in the pockets

of others to grab their hard earned. The red green Senat of Hamburg is no exception

and one of their instruments of choice to fill up the federal cashel is erecting a tight

net of traffic radar controls.

I drive a car to get on with things not strolling around without speeding in an excess-

ive manner, but this is exactly what i am forced to do on many streets unless i don't

mind dishing out cash. I consider Germans good and reasonable drivers, the problem

are those with a migrant background driving powerful cars and conducting races 

with them on public roads. Sometimes they end up flipping their car on the roof

while doing so, however no speed checks will stop these knuckleheads.

In that sense,  radar controls are erected to milk the working folks usually driving to 

their workplace and i don't take it anymore, so purchased a nifty device called the

Saphe one + . You might say " Wait, those are illegal during driving." Okay, so be it ...