Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

This blog is about my favourite leisure activities and some thoughts in general.

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Thursday, March 2, 2023

Pride Set To Music & Lived Submission

 The former is associated with the Peruvian band Alborada. In this video they per-

form the tune "Qapac Nan" taped on the ancient Inka fortress of Wakra Pukara.

I wanted to visit this spectacular location last month, but had to cancel it  due to

political turmoil. Hopefully we make it next year ...

The latter of course belongs to German secretary of justice, Marko Buschmann,
visiting Yad Vachem. That guy appropriately represents mostly reeducated and 
spineless people trying to show the world there morale superiority by 
bowing down to the Juice, environmental matters or suicidal tolerance.