Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

This blog is about my favourite leisure activities and some thoughts in general.

Please also see my webpage

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Weekend Sports

 It is Prix de l' Arc de Triomphe weekend in Paris and it is going to be a thriller with

many of the equine superstars going to post. None of them get my pulse going with

prices too short for my liking and so i will side  with an rank outsider mopping

up the field on softish going and that is BROOME (IRE). He is trained by Ballydoyle

master Aidan O'Brien and partly owned by Japanese connections, what explains that

Yutaka Take gets the leg-up, who fortunately is riding out of sorts at the moment, but

with his price available i will be on. At the contrary Jockey legend Frankie Dettori

seems to be unstoppable and i take his mount LOVE as an alternative at an very nice


BROOME (IRE) to win and place @ 67 *** UP

LOVE (IRE) to win @ 21 *** Non Runner

As usual here is the video again with suffering Japanese racing fans during the Arc

a couple of years ago ...

Football Treble in the Both To Score market

Ligue 1                      Monaco  -  Bordeaux     3:0

Bundesliga                Dortmund  -  Augsburg   2:1

Bundesliga Austria    RB Salzburg  -  Linz       @ 6,2    *** LOST

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Could Jesus be the answer ?

I recently listened to a speech conducted by U.S. President Joe Biden , saying

something like " Get the vaccine, it is readily availablabe. We made it easy for you

and it is free.", while hanging over the microfone and using a slow and low, eerie

menacing voice. You would think, a snake tries to seduce the people to take a bite

from the forbidden fruit. There can be no doubt he belongs to the Satan's brood

having the world firmly under control considering the rampant level of brutality, 

lies, deceit, corruption and other sorts of misbehaviour dominating our society.

The Freemasons have chosen the 33 as their favourite number, because that is the

age Jesus supposedly died, whom they wholeheartedly despised, since he preached

charity and peace and stood for nothing of the above. I am not an religious guy, even 

believe religions are another tool to divide the humanity. However for example

listening to Gospel music leaves his mark on me, performed by musicians, who have

great faith in Jesus being the saviour and who knows, perhaps he is the key to push

back evil, disguised as politicians and police among others, since open combat makes

no sense against an heavily superior armed opponent.

Here is the late great Ralf Stanley singing "Oh, Death " ...


Friday, September 17, 2021

Larken Rose - " How To Become A Successful Tyrant "

 Already written in 2005 it certainly served as a blueprint for every tyrant we ex-

perience today. Here is an excerpt from an Amazon review finding the right words.

" The book provides a good guide on what psychological and rhetorical tricks can

   be used to oppress and exploit the population, how to control their behaviour, 

   how to control their thoughts, how to suppress resistance, and what psycho-

   logical means can be used to make one's own oppression, enslavement, exploy-

   tation palatable. The book also gives brief insights into the American Constitution

   with the right to self-defense, the right to own guns, the right of the population to

   use these weapons against a tyrannical and abusive government. A right that seems

   completely alien to Germans due to years of manipulation and mind control. It is

   astonishing that this book is offered in German translation at all and is not yet a

   victim of censorship. "

Great read, which can be purchased here ...

Thursday, September 9, 2021

DDT vs Polio - The Cutter Incident

People keep pushing me to finally accept the jab, since vaccines have done so much

benefits for humankind. " Vaccines " have already been debunked to be responsible

for the Spanish Flu genocide and now i stumbled over a comment from someone 

saying DDT and the follow up vaccine are responsible for Poliomyelitis (Polio).

I remember in my my childhood there was quite a number of children affected by the

disease and ended up walking on crutches or even in a wheelchair. Personally i find it

more plausible believing the damage was done by a highly toxic substance as DDT

being responsible for the destruction of parts of the nervous system than some omin-

ous virus since the illness mostly appeared during the summer months,, when DDT 

was sprayed over crops and orchards. It is even said former U.S. Pres. Roosevelt was

affected by DDT sprayed nearby his home, while others claim he suffered from Guillain

Barre syndrom. A vaccine against polio had to be developed anyway and i myself once

swallowed a sugarcube containing that stuff.

The great saviour came in the shape of Jonas Salk, a Jew and according to Jay Dyer a

psychopath, who conducted trials on thousands of children, preferably orphans and 

left many of them with terrible health issues. Produced were the so called vaccine by 

Cutter Industries, who failed partly in trying to deactivate the pathogenic germs with 

formaldehyde and thus potentially deadly substances were injected into children. 

Absolutely heartbreaking watching these young victims lying in iron lungs

I strongly recommend reading the following webpage brushing aside the public opinion

polio was caused by a virus and vanquished by a vaccine. It rather seems, a virus back

then as today was used as the scapegoat to cover up atrocities by the chemical industries.

Friday, September 3, 2021