Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

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Saturday, February 26, 2022

Putin Debunked ?

 I just read an article, in whom it is said that during the Russian Jelzin era it was

possible for Russia to join NATO. Great, you might think, that would mean peace

between the two super powers, when China was still somewhat backwards - then 

Putin came to power. As it seems today, Putin might be reactionary and is still

mourning the past with the existence of the Soviet Union. Perhaps his suggestion

to establish a common economic ground from Wladiwostok to Lissabon was a 

attempt to cover Europe with Bolshevism.

I admit i had some sympathy for Putin after my visits to Russia, which had noth-

ing in common with the former Soviet Union, although i was aware of his prox-

imity to the Chabad Lubawitsch sect and the Jews in general, a tribe he probably

belongs himself to. After what's happening now in the Ukraine it is mandatory

to reconsider my position, while he perhaps has good intentions there, we can

not know until now. 

The Ukrainian government consists mostly of Jews, so is the war nothing but smoke

and mirrors, a distraction for another deeds ? Then we were told the Yankees are

only waiting for a pretext to start a war war against Russia. That opportunity arrived

now, though nothing happened. It is impossible to fathom, what is going on there and

we have to wait and see ...

Here is an excellent video from Oliver Janich, which contains an exerpt from Adam

Green and


Did Putin start a war to destroy bioweapon laboratories ?

See here