Readers of this blog know, that i and and (Khasarian) Jews won't become friends
anymore in this life. So one reason i steadfast refuse to take the so called vaccination
is the Jewish control of the pharmaceutical industry and knowing, how they perceive
non-jews or gentiles, namely as cattle. Hence accepting the jab is hands down foolish.
"Now wait a minute ..." i hear you saying " Why then has Israel the highest world-
wide vaccintion rate ? ". There comes Russia's state secretary Lawrow's recent quote
into play. He said the worst antisemites are Jews themselves and when he added
Hitler had Jewish blood in his blood vessels the Jewish outcry was fierce (chuckle).
Those being at the helm do not care about people and their nationalities. They did
not care, when thousands of Jewish paupers perished in labor camps during WW II
and they do not care, when thousands of Israelis die because of some strange brew,
especially not in an area where water becomes scarce.
Anyway i deeply appreciate Lawrow for stepping up, his remark could confirm rumors,
that Hitler was an agent of the cabal ...
MrE released a video presenting another Jew evil to the bone by the name of Hariri,
who is WEF Schwab's wingman.
Lawow speking out can be heard here