Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

This blog is about my favourite leisure activities and some thoughts in general.

Please also see my webpage

Sunday, October 1, 2023


 Already this afternoon the Arc de Triomphe takes place in Paris - Longchamp. With

the drying ground younger horses will have a better chance to win this race and 

pundits are fallen over each other to bet on the unbeaten Ace Impact (IRE). His price

is accordingly low and i look elsewhere. For example the three German raiders with

juicy odds as outsiders, though always capable to spring a surprise. Here is my rota 

of bets ...

Sisfahan to win @ 51

Mr. Hollywood to win @ 33

Fantastic Moon to win @ 10

Ace Impact @ 4 as stakes saver *** WON

Forecast:  Continous (JPN) / Ace Impact

Here as usual the clip with the suffering japanese racing fans

Football Treble in the Both To Score - market

HNL    Hajduk Split  -  D. Zagreb

La Liga  D. Alaves  -  Osasuna  

Serie B  S. Genua  -  Catanzaro    @ 6,65 *** LOST

Qatar Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe (Group 1)

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Wokeism - The West Surrenders ...

Being "woke" is a term for these folks smelling racism and social injustice around

every corner and need to fight against them mercilessly. Like climate fools they

can be considered as useful idiots trying to abolish traditional values in route to

communism and a One World Government.

Today i received the latest issue of the excellent " Express Zeitung " taking care of

the subject. Leafing through the pages they did it again providing a chock-full of

useful information. For example ...

- Ace journalist Gerhard Wisnewski writes about the Rammstein scandal

- Postmodernism. Downfall of the western civilisation.

- LGBQT. How to get rid of the natural.

- Critical race theory. When being white is a sin.

- Why government- and company buildings are decorated with the rainbow flag and

  don't care, if Joe Sixpack doesn't buy Budweiser any longer because of that nerve

  wrecking Mulvaney dude.

" Make no mistake. We intend to beat dead white men, the living too as well as women

  until the social construct known as "white race " is destroyed, not deconstructed, but

  destroyed ..."

as quoted by Noel Ignatiev, jewish and former Harvard professor. Jews by the way are 

left out of the equation, although they can be considered being whites. However they

are a minority and thus can be spared .

Friday, May 19, 2023



Now we know lefties love nothing more than reaching out their hands in the pockets

of others to grab their hard earned. The red green Senat of Hamburg is no exception

and one of their instruments of choice to fill up the federal cashel is erecting a tight

net of traffic radar controls.

I drive a car to get on with things not strolling around without speeding in an excess-

ive manner, but this is exactly what i am forced to do on many streets unless i don't

mind dishing out cash. I consider Germans good and reasonable drivers, the problem

are those with a migrant background driving powerful cars and conducting races 

with them on public roads. Sometimes they end up flipping their car on the roof

while doing so, however no speed checks will stop these knuckleheads.

In that sense,  radar controls are erected to milk the working folks usually driving to 

their workplace and i don't take it anymore, so purchased a nifty device called the

Saphe one + . You might say " Wait, those are illegal during driving." Okay, so be it ...

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Pride Set To Music & Lived Submission

 The former is associated with the Peruvian band Alborada. In this video they per-

form the tune "Qapac Nan" taped on the ancient Inka fortress of Wakra Pukara.

I wanted to visit this spectacular location last month, but had to cancel it  due to

political turmoil. Hopefully we make it next year ...

The latter of course belongs to German secretary of justice, Marko Buschmann,
visiting Yad Vachem. That guy appropriately represents mostly reeducated and 
spineless people trying to show the world there morale superiority by 
bowing down to the Juice, environmental matters or suicidal tolerance.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Ivan Provorov ...


... is a Russian NHL - hockey player for the Philadelphia Flyers. He did some re-

markable recently by refusing to wear a LGBQ+ warmup shirt sporting the rain-

bow colours. He cited some religious reasons and of course it didn't take long

until he got a lot of stick from the leftist media. Though it is good to see his shirt

meanwhile became a bestseller and i just hope other sport pros follow suit, since

the LGBQ+ movement is a part of a satanic agenda aiming to depopulate and

destroy families, the backbone of a functioning society.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

The Truth Fears No Investigation, The Lie Does

Recently i had an argument with someone on YouTube because of my Auschwitz views.

He called me a nutter for scratching on a dogma, though i left it there since it makes 

no sense to discuss something with someone under mindcontrol and intimidated by 

the guilt cult.

Accidentally the intrepid Jim Rizoli just released a video with should give people 

something to think about. Watch it and perhaps reconsider your opinion ...