Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

This blog is about my favourite leisure activities and some thoughts in general.

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Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Ivan Provorov ...


... is a Russian NHL - hockey player for the Philadelphia Flyers. He did some re-

markable recently by refusing to wear a LGBQ+ warmup shirt sporting the rain-

bow colours. He cited some religious reasons and of course it didn't take long

until he got a lot of stick from the leftist media. Though it is good to see his shirt

meanwhile became a bestseller and i just hope other sport pros follow suit, since

the LGBQ+ movement is a part of a satanic agenda aiming to depopulate and

destroy families, the backbone of a functioning society.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

The Truth Fears No Investigation, The Lie Does

Recently i had an argument with someone on YouTube because of my Auschwitz views.

He called me a nutter for scratching on a dogma, though i left it there since it makes 

no sense to discuss something with someone under mindcontrol and intimidated by 

the guilt cult.

Accidentally the intrepid Jim Rizoli just released a video with should give people 

something to think about. Watch it and perhaps reconsider your opinion ...