This friendly chap is Mario Draghi, boss of The European Central Bank and soon of the still to be proclaimed EUDSSR as well. Mario is in a spending mood and prints billions of Euros to purchase bonds from less than fluid Southern Europe countries. He has no mandate to do it, but for the sake of saving the Euro that's fine, while regs and rules in context with the Euro in general are not worth the paper they are written on. Saving the Euro ? In an earlier post i mentioned, that Draghi is an former associate from Goldman Sachs ( I recentley saw an excellent documentary about them and there is no room for doubts - they are the worst scumbags prowling the surface of this planet ) and so in my humble opinion he tries to save Greece from bankruptcy so that American banks are spared from huge payouts because of their CDS's. Mess about with somebody else, Mario !
In Germany the constitutional court waved through the European Stability Mechanism ( ESM ). Germany pays right up 22 billion Euros and guarantees for further 168 billion Euros for countries which cannot obtain a credit somewhere else. Remarkable for a country, which sits on debts of around 2106 billion Euros.But that's it. Not a cent more without asking the parliament for permission ! Forget it, the finance mafia keeps on pushing and shifts more money out of Germany until the last Euro has been drained. Nobody knows how all this lunacy will end, maybe with a hyper inflation. I think it is safe to assume that some folks accumulate obscene wealth, while others have to move into a barrel - enjoying a Huckleberry Finn lifestyle. Disgusting.
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