Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

This blog is about my favourite leisure activities and some thoughts in general.

Please also see my webpage

Thursday, January 31, 2013

About this blog

First and foremost i started this blog to let my old lady know ( " Hi mom, love you ! " ) how and what i am doing while travelling. She is not quite au fait with computers, but at least it makes writing postcards obsolete. Besides that, some workmates kept asking what i am doing abroad and now instead of repeating myself i point to this blog. As i write this site was visited 3483 times, mainly from Germany, the U.S. and Peru. I consider this a decent number, since i don´t come up with earthshaking revelations or the most delicious cookie baking recipes. I thank you for your time and sincerely hope the content makes your visit worthwhile.

Friday, January 25, 2013


... discussing the world´s economic situation after the Dow Jones Index slip-slided down 0.7 %.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

¨I don´t want to wake up dead tomorrow. ¨...

... is a great quote by Joey Heindle, participating inmate of the currently televised German show ¨The Jungle Camp ¨. Here more or less prominent people camp out in the jungle of Australia and have to pass examinations in exchange for food, for example taking a cockroach bath or feast on maggots - ergo trash TV at its finest. For some this is the end of the occident as we know it, while for others it´s brilliant entertainment. I rather share the second view. For a long time Germany is not the land of poets and thinkers anymore and i rather watch these people bungle in the jungle, than politicians and other deadbeats bungle in the economy, blowin´ billions of Euros in the wind for projects like Berlin airport, Stuttgart train station, Hamburg Philharmonic or what´s going on now with steel giant Thyssen Krupp. Yes, watching a wannabe topmodel munching on kangaroo testicles can be entertaining. Have to stop now as the kickoff of the Chelsea-Arsenal game approaches.

Monday, January 7, 2013

What´s more boring, than watching ...

... a game of tennis ? Right, sitting in a 5 - star hotel. The Hospedaje Royal Frankenstein in Cusco , Peru, has zero stars, but is a lively place with real people and a great atmosphere. It is currently closed for renovation and reopens at February, 1. Should you hang out in the area stop by for a chat or a glass of homemade hootch and see for yourself.