Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

This blog is about my favourite leisure activities and some thoughts in general.

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Sunday, January 20, 2013

¨I don´t want to wake up dead tomorrow. ¨...

... is a great quote by Joey Heindle, participating inmate of the currently televised German show ¨The Jungle Camp ¨. Here more or less prominent people camp out in the jungle of Australia and have to pass examinations in exchange for food, for example taking a cockroach bath or feast on maggots - ergo trash TV at its finest. For some this is the end of the occident as we know it, while for others it´s brilliant entertainment. I rather share the second view. For a long time Germany is not the land of poets and thinkers anymore and i rather watch these people bungle in the jungle, than politicians and other deadbeats bungle in the economy, blowin´ billions of Euros in the wind for projects like Berlin airport, Stuttgart train station, Hamburg Philharmonic or what´s going on now with steel giant Thyssen Krupp. Yes, watching a wannabe topmodel munching on kangaroo testicles can be entertaining. Have to stop now as the kickoff of the Chelsea-Arsenal game approaches.

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