Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

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Sunday, August 25, 2019

Russia And Judaism - Connecting The Dots

While in Russia i saw statures of Lenin in every city and wondered, where his,
albeit meanwhile fading, popularity stems from. I understand he is considered
the founding figure of the Soviet Union, yet his reign was based on raging
terror claiming the lifes of millions.

The Jew Karl Marx once wrote the Communist Manifesto, an idea picked up by
Wladimir Iljitsch Uljanow, who called himself Lenin. He himself was Jewish
and along with Lew Bronfstein aka Leo Trotzki and loaded with Jewish money
he started the October Revolution 1917, establishing Communism disguised
under the name Bolschevism.

And exactly that Bolshevism gave Hitler later on the pretext to attack the Soviet
Union after again Jewish money coddled him up in the 30's and also enabled the
Third Empire to be powerful enough to compete in a large scale war. The result
was, that the feared German economic strenght was wiped out, the bankers elite
filled up their cashel by financing both sides and with the ongoing delivery of
iron ore to keep the German war machine running. And finally it is my strong be-
lieve, that without Hitler there would be no Israel today, because no Jew felt
inclined to move into the desert.

The Russia nowadays is modern and thriving and has in my opinion no room
for Lenins ideologies, though the question is, whether the kingpins Putin and
Medwedew too are dangling on strings held by the puppet masters like the
before mentioned. Folks took their pedigrees under scrutiny, though still there
is no certainty of their ethnics. No matter what, i have sympathy for both and
judged on their actions they deserve support, what does not exclude a couple
of nagging doubts.

During my recent trip i read a book written by Juan Rainaldo Sanchez, Fidel
Castro's loyal bodyguard for many years. He depicted Castro as a major cu*t,
not caring about his children, his brothers and sisters except Raul and of course
not about the Cuban people. He even operated a drug trafficking business to
finance his posh lifestyle after the Soviet Union collapsed. Though two state-
ments are most remarkable. Sanchez mentiond a New York Times journalist,who
visited Castro in his Sierra Maestra hideaway and secondly, that Cuban dictator
Batista was not very well accepted any longer by the USA. So a journalist
could find Castro in the woods, while Bautista troops couldn't, i mean only
follow the noise of the power generator operating Castro's fridge and then there
was Batista apparently getting in the way of something big and that was the
Cold War, who should be raised to the next level. That exactly explains, why
Castro's way to power was a cakewalk not being possible without the support
of foreign forces and why he never was assassinated, although living on the US
threshold. The Soviets now could plant their missile dummies on Cuban soil and
the whole circus could begin with the target to extort taxpayers money and keep
mankind in fear

I understand, that it is difficult to unmask and debunk oneself and the other side,
though it would be great to hear Putin echoing that story and also that there has
never been a man on the moon and nuclear weapons are nothing but a hoax. As
long as he does not do it, we have to assume he keeps allowing the robbery of the
peoples money by evil superiors.

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