I was already contemplating to buy the Gazette for awhile and now it eventually
happened, so i just received the latest issue with the headline "100 Years of War
against Germany". The uninitiated will argue, that with the publication some
nationalists try to whitewash German atrocities committed during the years 1918-
1945. Far from it, editor Tilman Knechtel has written highly acclaimed books
about the Rothschild's and Rockefeller's and runs a well known YouTube-channel,
proving he has a seriously sound knowledge about what he is writing about. One
of his staff-writers is Gerhard Wisnewski, Germany's premier investigative jour -
nalist. So there is no doubt, these guys try to get the word out about the truth to
counter the mainstream-media in a country sticking knee deep in a swamp of lies.
The Gazette narrates with plenty of historic facts and quotations, who is really be-
hind the wars, namely the Anglo-Saxons and the Round Table club, who were
afraid of losing the status as superpower to the German Empire, thus went on to
pull it into a war to destroy it with arms or in other ways, i will read about in the
next issue.
Personally i once spoke with an U.S.-veteran, who told me, that German soldiers
were regarded as the best and bravest. When they marched swiftly into the
Sovjetunion in what was probably a preemptive attack they carried a booklet with
a code of honour and any misconduct was harshly punished. This of course does
not fit the official narrative depicting the Germans as beasts in unprecedented
propaganda, though massacres committed by Germans can't be denied. The jury
is out, wether these are rather less gruesome, than those committed against Ger-
mans by the Allied Forces with the Rheinwiesenlager and their bombing cam-
paigns or the Polish, Chechs and Russians in the eastern territories trying to
annihilate the German population. Also in my view Hitler's role in all this is very
sketchy and needs a nonbiased closer inspection.
The Express Gazette is not your usual tabloid, but a magnificent source of infor -
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