Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs
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Thursday, October 31, 2019
11/8 Ursula Haverbeck's Birthday
Isn't the above image amazing ? A friendly old lady, fully in peace with herself,
guarded by two regime bums. Now what did she do ? The worst thing a German
can probably commit and that is scratching a dogma concerning the holocaust.
The holocaust was examined many times by acknowledged authors like Fred
Leuchter or Jürgen Graf, who came to a completely different conclusion than the
official narrative. No German judge would listen, he rather bows down to judaism
and throws a 90 year old lady behind bars for voicing her opinion, while at the
same time rolls out a red carpet for an evil war criminal like Henry Kissinger.
Here are three facts about the holocaust ...
- Auschwitz was a labour camp operated by IG Farben, a huge conglomerat es -
ablished and financed with Wall Street money.
- The holocaust is a tremendous money spinner and no wonder countless Ausch-
witz committees unleash their bloodhounds trying to silence anyone daring to
doubt its existence.
- Through the holocaust, Jews have nearly every politician, journalist and judge
in their pocket. ( Angela Merkel just added another Jewish award to her tally
for her loyal services. )
Two of their beta-males are Jörg Meuthen, boss of the right wing AfD party and Andy
Grote ( SPD and Hamburgs senator for the interior).After the recent Halle hoax, when
the shooter was allegedly influenced by the AfD, Meuthen rushed to the mikro de-
claring his sympathy for Israel, while Grote immediately wants to install an agent
against antisemitism. To both gentlemen i recommend the YouTube-channel "Blood
letters & Badmen" about the mafia, where bullett riddled bodies can be seen lying
in a puddle of blood with arms and legs stretched out. The dude in the Halle kebab
restaurant was shot four times and yet was lying sideways and covered his ears with
his hands. The government wants to tighten up gun laws and measures against hate
speech on the internet, so i better write all this, while they let me. All too obvious ...
After the Halle smoke has settled, right after it a trial in Hamburg began accusing a
93 year old man of functioning as a guard in the concentration camp in Stutthof as
a 17 year old. He back then did not breach the prevailing law, though it does not
matter, the shoah show must drag on and hammered in German minds. The Volks-
lehrer covered the trial, his report can be seen here
For those, who want to send Ursula flowers or a letter, please refer to
Blumen Polz in Bielefeld (0521) 45 04 97
and this webpage
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