Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Elisabeth Käsemann - Gone But Not Forgotten

Elisabeth Käsemann was a young German woman, kidnapped, tortured, shot and
killed in Argentina. She went to Latin America following her quest for social
justice and to support the poor. After general Vidal forcefully took power in 1976
in Argentina the climate for leftists ideologies deteriorated dramatically and
members were persecuted merciless with Elisabeth among them. The German
government with foreign secretary Genscher knew about her cruel fate, but hardly
moved a finger to help her. Nor did the German Football Association presided by
H. Neuberger with the 1978 World Championchips about to begin and any dis-
traction not desired along with huge trade deals pending.

Now we recently had a similar case with the intrepid journalist Billy Six involved.
Billy traveled to many war zones and came to prominence with his story about the
MH-15 incident in the Ucraine. When he went to Venzuela to conduct his own re-
search there, the secret police snatched him off the street and threw him into jail.
There he received no support from the German embassy, nor the German Govern-
ment unlike journalists from other countries, who were liberated instantly after the
corresponding embassies intervened.

A couple of months earlier the Turkish/German journalist Deniz Yücel was taken
into custody in Turkey. What followed was, that German officials bent over back-
wards to set him free. Now what is the difference between Six and Yücel ? The
former leans towards right political positions, while the later used to write for the
left publication TAZ. Eventually Russian foreign secretary Lawrow took care of
matters and Six could return to Germany. He is not the kind of guy you can bog
down easily and so he filed a lawsuit against the German government for failure
of assistance. I wish him the best of luck, though are afraid hell rather freezes over
before a German politician receives his/her rightful punishment.

Video about Elisabeth

Here is Billy's video

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