Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

This blog is about my favourite leisure activities and some thoughts in general.

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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Outlook For 2020

Had to happen. Where else, when not here in the eye of the madness, the Federal
Republic in Germany. Next year they start to tax breathing air with the logic, that
taxes will do something good for the climate. Just let's assume the money will be
used for our migrants, interest or toll payments to our occupiers. The latest scandal
revolves around a video showing young girls singing an old goof song, where they
exchanged the lyrics gravely insulting elderly people by depicting them as environ -
mental pigs. All this under the supervision of the public broadcasting channel WDR.
I am afraid the climate hysteria will get even worse next year.

2019 again bore evidence, that the virtues truth, honour, justice and courage are
nearly not existent any longer in this country with scandals and charades in abun-
dance like Lügde, Halle, Kassel or the Green Vault in Dresden. Those, who are
blessed with five functioning brain cells could immediately detect the inconsistencies
tried to be hidden by politicians, justice or the mainstream media. Living in a society
with such a low morale standard is nothing i take lightly and that is my main motiva-
tion to run this blog.

Another one fed up with the circumstances here is the "Volkslehrer". I wrote all-
ready before about him, that he is called every name in the book, lost his job and
countless bank accounts only for speaking out the truth. He meanwhile opened a shop
selling shirts saying " I will not be silent " and i purchased one on the spot. Of course
i am not as eloquent as he is and rather stay back as a quiet observer, but at least try
to contribute my share here in written form. To any avail ? I doubt it since i meanwhile
have serious scepticism about the nations character, though surrender is no option.

Personally i am doing well with penty of travelings ahead again in 2020. I thank you
all for tuning in, showing interest in the content and wish you guys a great and pros-
perous 2020.

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