Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

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Monday, February 17, 2020

Camilo Cienfuegos

Cienfuegos seemed to be the unsung hero of the Cuban revolution. He died after
a planecrash and when i scrutinized Castros and Guevaras role in that revolution
there seems to be little doubt he was murdered.

Cienfuegos was regarded as the savviest and bravest commander, but also as
strictly against communism and being a gentleman. All that made him hugely
popular, but also vulnerable since Cuba had to become a socialist country to
ignite the Cold War with the placement of Russian rocket dummies. While
Cienfuegos wanted to integrate Batistas soldiers back into society the trio
infernale Fidel and Raul Castro alongside Che Guevara were eager to murder
them and that is what they did with Guevara at the forefront. This already says
something about their character and they certainly had no problem to serve as
agents for a power elite and also ordered the killing of Cienfuegos.

With Cienfuegos as head of state Cuba could have become a true paradise, in-
stead it became a socialist hellhole under Castros rule, who sold out his people
and let them suffer for foreign interests.

Here a video about Camilo ...   

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