The intrepid Tilman Knechtel just released another explosive video, which puts
his channel on the line since Jootube does not apprciate any so called antisemitic
content. The video is full with outrageous quotes and statements made by members
of the chosen tribe. Nonetheless it is forbidden by law in many countries to
criticize them and of course doing any research of the 6 million occurence.
Unlike the bootlickers in politics, mainstream media and the justice system Tilman
is not pussyfooting around and gets to the heart of the matter, which certainly
leaves some doubts about the character and trustability of the folks described here
, controlling most of the mainstream media and the narrative concerning historic
In that perspective Tilman's work is very important and perhaps another stepstone
towards the truth. Watch the video while you can and see what you can make of it.
I for my part secured the video for reference and honored his effort with a donation.
Tilman Knechtel also is an editor for the excellent Express Gazette. Their latest
issue deals with the Corona virus bollocks. I ordered my copy already and so
should you. Here is the link
Alright, the cat is out of the bag. POTUS Trump, the best president Israel ever
had, just announced to start the program "Operation Warp Speed " as soon as
possible. This means nearly all of the 300 million U.S. inhabitants shall let their
pants down and bend over to receive an injection containing an cocktail of vicious
Now not too long ago Trump was rather hesitant about the alleged COVID 19 virus
playing down his menace only to make an U-turn shortly afterwards. Perhaps he
discovered the "virus" is an welcomed distraction from other nuisances or is some-
one still talking about the wall to Mexico ? Possible, though i suppose it has some-
thing to do with his demonic wingman Anthony Fauci, the pharmaceutical- indust-
rial complex, his zionist prompters or all of them. Whatever it is, perpetuating the
road means asking for a full blown civil war. The FEMA camps are waiting to get
finally occupied ...
According to the webpage the U.S. population will be down by 2/3 as
will be Germanys in a not to distant future.What do they know, what we don't?Intel
about the biological weapon that son of a b**ch Bill Gates is talking about ? Here
in Hamburg the UKE hospital looks for probands to test a vaccination available in
September. The mainstream media made shure many folks will be scared enough
to line up, all others more illuminated are in for a major confontation.
Upon arrival at Berlin central train station i took the 245 bus to the Alexander -
Square located in the Eastern section, where later on protesters clashed with the
police, who brought dogs along. I walked over to the Rosa-Luxemburg-Square,
where the heaviest action took place over the last weekends. I strolled through
the whole area, though it was still early times with few people showing up. So
i bought a couple of beers and observed the scene. I supposed a toilet would be
nearby in the subway station, which was not the case and now i had a problem
since no resstaurant would let me in. Eventually an Asian restaurant showed
some pity and let me relieve myself.
Around 15.30 the place became crowded, though the atmosphere was always
peaceful with folks from all walks of life, the mainstream media would later
call conspiracy theorists, knuckleheads, Na...s and what not. I had a nice chat
with an elderly woman, who from judging from her appearance had nothing in
common with me, but nonetheless we had a good conversation.She even showed
some interest in my guitar and i complied to her bidding and picked a little bit.
Common sense and politeness can go a long way ...
That is basically all i have to report. Those, who hoped for police brutality and
brute force against harmless protesters might be disappointed, though i enjoyed
the whole get together in perfect weather. Manifestations rarely bring some suc-
cess unless huge masses show up and this one will be no exception.
Berlin and Deutsche Bahn have a rather bad reputation for a variety of reasons. I
certainly did not travel to Berlin for the first time and again this time i can't con-
firm, that is a dirty city run over with migrants - I enjoyed my stay there. The
Deutsche Bahn had a half hour delay on my way back home, though too i must
say it was a nice experience using their service.
App. 2
There was a bloke running around, warning there would be antisemites among the
protesters. So he warned me quasi from myself. If there would be folks, who dis-
like the Portuguese or Cameroonians, nobody would be bothered, but please do not
dare to criticize the tribe with the superior DNA. How the relationship with them
could ever be improved, i dunno and it is certainly not wanted from their side.
App. 3
Virus, what virus ? Yesterday i listened to another scientist, who claimed there would
be no viruses at all. Then there are virologists, people dealing allegedly with viruses
as professionals. Next we hear viruses mutate, thus vaccines will have no effect.
The jury is out, what to believe ...
Already on April, 1 Rüdiger Nehberg passed away at the age of 84. Nicknamed " Sir Vival" after long distance marches through wilderness without supplies he
must be considered a truly remarkable personality leaving behind plenty of
achievements and a tremendous legacy concerning humanity.
When still at an very young age he was drawn into the wide world, yet finnished
an education as a baker and established a successful bakery afterwards. When he
became aware of the struggle of the Yanomami indians he decided to give his
life more spiritual depth and profoundness. So he sold his bakery and devoted
the next twenty years to support the Yanomami in their tussle against the ever
marauding gold diggers. To draw attention to a wider public he even crossed the
Atlantic Ocean with a pedal boat. When the Yanomami finally gained their peace
and a territory free of gold diggers, Nehberg organized the construction of a small
hospital in the rain forrest and then figured it is time to move on.
His next encouragement was devoted for a campaign against the female circum - cision, an archaic and gruesome practice popular in many Muslim states in Africa
and the Middle East to strip females of their sexual lust leaving them as physical,
psychologic wrecks afterwards. Nehberg and his partner had a mountain to climb
to convince the locals to drop that cruel habbit by convincing religious leaders to
abbolish the practice executed mostly by elderly women. After some tireless work
a Fatwa (legal jurisdiction ) has been proclaimed and the practice forbidden by law
in most Muslim countries. This means many thousand girls were spared from
enormous torture.
I just finnished reading Nehberg's biography " Courage Has Grown No Danger "
and it is an enthralling read. Rüdiger Nehberg was truly one of the greats.
Here is the webpage for TARGET, the organisation he founded to help collecting