Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

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Thursday, October 15, 2020

History Revision

 "History is the lie they agreed upon " is an old saying and the agreement is Germans 

have always to be the villains. Now readers of this blog know i am a stern critic of

Germans, though when history treats us unfairly i step in.

So what happened ? Axel Schlimper is an intrepid defender of  German culture. He

once made a statement that during World War II the Wehrmacht attacked the Soviet 

Union as an preemptive strike, because Stalin had assembled several divisions of 

the Red Army at the western flank ready to overrun Europe ( and probably geared up

with Yankee dollars/ admin). Now recently he had to go to court and has been ... 

drum roll please ... acquitted of sedition.

I guess that is pretty encouraging and perhaps the 6 million occurence is next up. Here

is the video showing Schlimper with Nikolai Nerling interviewing him and towards

the end the nasty looking state attorney with the appeal of  a chosen tribe member.

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