Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

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Monday, November 2, 2020

The Joe & Donald Show ...

 ... comes to its climax tomorrow with the election. My original assumption was, Joe 

Biden is selected as POTUS and shortly after his inauguration next January will step

down to make room for Kabalah Harris,who then ushers the country towards socialism.

Biden meanwhile is nothing but a pitiful drooling old man and you would think Trump

would prevail with a landslide win, though we must remember they all play their role

in a theater and we don't know what the directors have up their sleeves for them.

Trump himself met expectations since he scratched TTIP and kept the USA out of 

further wars abroad. On the other hand his behaviour is somewhat erratic, one day he

wants to lock up Hellary Clinton, the next day he has great respect for her. One day he

ridicules the Corona virus, the next day he wants to vaccine the whole population 

with the help of the army. Big pharma couldn't ask for a better rep than him and that 

is equally inexcusable as his servility to the Zionists.

The puppet masters have the people, where they want to have them to be, ready to 

get at each others throat, no matter who wins the election, especially since there is 

plenty of space for fraud with the postal voting system. I am afraid it is going to get 

ugly ...

Two bets with Unibet   

State won with the smallest percentage >>>  Pennsylvania @ 11

Votes obtained by the Republicans >>> 49 % - 51.99 % @ 5

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