Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

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Thursday, May 13, 2021

And More Corona Bollocks ...

 Vaxxers actually don't need a vaccination certificate since a magnet provides 

enough evidence for having received the jab, when adhered on the puncture site.

I am glad i am not in their shoes ...

Meanwhile we were told, in Brazil folks are dropping like flies from the ominous

virus. Let's here, what this nurse has to report ...

Similar drama over in India. Though there images were used from a gas leak 

incident in 2020, when plenty of people were dying on the streets. MSM used

that footage to fuel the Corona hysteria. Well, that is how they work ...

 Since that time India has a huge problem on their hands with mycosis infections

affecting vaxxed people.


Now it has been reported that non-vaxxed folks should stay away from vaxxed 

people , since those shed the spiked proteins entering and harming the formers

system. I take that with a pinch of salt ...


Pfizer in the meantime is counting their billions of profis been made. and best of

all they will keep them, since they have no liability for their witches brew ad-

ministered to the people and partly doing major damage.

Many of us know the swabs of rapid tests contain foreign particles as perhaps

morgellons or nano bots shoved up the nose. Now someone rubbed that swab

on a sausage and found out the micro fibers keep sticking in the flesh maybe

causing harm when applied inside a nose to the mucous membrane allowing 

germs and bacteria to enter. School children are forced to use these swabs twice

weekly ...

And finally the German Secretary of the Interior, Horst Seehofer, caught the virus.

Shure, Horst, shure, and we wish you a speedy recovery, you friggin' axxxole ...


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