Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

This blog is about my favourite leisure activities and some thoughts in general.

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Thursday, October 28, 2021

Letter From Maas

 In April 2020 the German government conducted some so called repatriation flights

to bring German tourists back home due to the impact of  the Corona plandemic.

I myself benefitted from one of these flights and now 18 months later i received

the bill from the Department of Foreign Affairs asking me to pay 600.- Euros.

I signed a letter committing to pay the amount, though meanwhile 18 months have 

gone by and we know a whole lot more about what happened. I do not have the

shade of a doubt, that German chancellora Merkel if not the whole government

knew already in 2019, what will occur in spring 2020. This means without warning

tourists walked right into the trap, thus the German government had the moral

obligation to bring them back without  charging any money. I thought i write a

friendly letter, also praising their efficient work, to the German Department of 

Foreign Relations and tell them about my allegations.

To my surprise they replied already a week later saying, if i disagree with the pay-

ment i should reach out to the administrative court in Berlin and that was it .

Perhaps it was a little naive on my side to expect something different, at least i

gave it a try.

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