Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

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Friday, November 12, 2021

10 Years NSU - 10 Years of Lies

Ten years ago one of the major scandals in the Federal Republic of Germany 

climaxed with the murder of two members of the National Socialist Underground.

A third member by the name of Beate Zschäpe is still used as a scapegoat and is 

currently sitting behind bars serving a life sentence, if still alive at all.

I wrote already a post about this shame of major proportions a while ago, though

now the Schelm publisher released a book describing the happenings and added

facts mostly unknown until recently to those, who were no insiders in secret

services or the justice system. Zschäpe had at some point three attorneys and her

trial dragged on for years ( similar to the O.J. Simpson trial ) with everyone play-

ing along in that charade. The level of unscrupulousness of some folks, as we can

see now during the Corona-plandemic as well, leaves one speechless ...

The book can be purchased here

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