Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

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Friday, November 11, 2022

Retracting Driving Licenses From Boosted Folks !?

Yesterday i got stuck in another traffic jam on highway A1 in Hamburg. Reason for 

that was a gruesome accident, where a car flew over a guard rail landing in the bushes

totally wrecked. Later on i learned the driver collapsed behind the wheel. Now al-

ready last week a fuel truck crashed only a mile further south, when he all of a 

sudden veered to the left, broke through a concrete barriere and and stopped 

apparently unbraked at the further end after crossing all lanes. Then reports are 

piling up with cars colliding with oncoming traffic on straight roads.

Is this only a coincidence or are we looking at incidents caused by people fully vac-

cinated ? I opt for the latter and perhaps it is time to scutinize there role in these

accidents ...

Here it is the report about yesterdays crash ...


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