When chancellora M. and French Pres. Sarkozy stick their heads together, German taxpayers know some more of their precious hard earned will be burnt for a country, that will not get his act together, as long it belongs to the eurozone. Thanks to a financial trick called " leverage " we are looking at a trillion now and Germany guarantees for a large portion of it. Mind-boggling, isn´t it. German politics these days is nothing but appalling. Chancellora M. only tries to keep the financial markets happy, her finance minister Schäuble is a notorious liar, the oppositon is a complete drop out and the parliament is full with lazy dumbfucks, who voted for the euro bailout fund without knowing any details. Read more on the subject here -
http://anti-merkel.blog It is getting more ridiculous. Bureaucrats of the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) went to China and Norway to solicit investments. The Norwegians turned them down right away.
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