The parliament agreed to rescue Spanish banks with 100 bn Euros and Germany guarantees with 29 bn Euros. I think we can kiss that money good-bye. Former federal minister of the federal state of Baden-Würtemberg Stefan Mappus (CDU) is accused of repurchasing stocks from the once sold power supplier EnBW for a price way too high. The script for that deal was given to him by Dirk Notheis of Morgan Stanley, who allegedly bagged 10 million Euros and is an old buddy from Mappus. So far the damage done is estimated at around 840 million Euros. The list wouldn't be complete without ..., step forward, Kurt Beck ( above,SPD), the federal minister of Rheinland-Pfalz. Kurt once decided the "Nürburgring"- racecourse needed an attached amusement park and invested big time. Meanwhile the "Nürburgring" declared bankruptcy and as it seems 330 million Euros whistled west. With that kind of leadership i ask myself, how is it possible that the German economy is sill doing comparatively well. Probably it has to do with the low-wages workforce of 7 million and people like my brother. He doesn't play up, delivers proper work and pays a lot of taxes.
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