Here is a question : Assumed you run a business, which one of the German politicians would you hire ? None ...? Thought so, since the homo politicus nowadays prefers to hang out in talk shows and waste tax payers money instead of doing proper work. However there is a glimmer of hope with the newly founded AfD, headed by the straight talking Bernd Lucke ( foto ). The established parties and survey researchers ( Forsa) try to play them down as having proximity to right wingers and it is really annoying, that in this country one has to be political correct or he gets branded as being right or whatever - a view Udo Ulfkotte shares in his excellent book
" Raus aus dem Euro, rein in den Knast ". I consider myself a moderate lefty and adress problems, where i think it is necessary and firmly believe the Euro as well as a unrestricted immigration policy mean flirting with disaster and have to be altered, thus it is advised to vote for the AfD. Bets as follows : - SPD / Grüne und Die Linke to form the next government @ 13 with Bwin ( market meanwhile suspended )
***Lost - P€€r Steinbrück to become the next chancellor @ 7 and the AfD to join the parliament @ 3.20, both with Bet3000.
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