... is not only a great song by
Meat Loaf, but also a line fitting nicely to a quote from Victoria Nuland, U.S. agent for Europe. In a telephone conversation with the U.S ambassador in the Ukraine she said :
F*** the E.U. ! A slogan, who woke up chancellora Merkel out of her winter sleep ( " Absolutely unacceptable " ) and will pretty soon be popular on t-shirts and bumper
stickers. In an earlier post i already mentioned , why i am strictly
against the E.U. and the parlament elections in May are the next
opportunity to put matters straight. If every country minds his own
business according to its economic power, mentality and culture and they
all live and trade peacefully together this is something i certainly
prefer to becoming enslaved by a financial elite. Meanwhile the German
constitutional court expressed concerns about the purchase of bonds by
the EZB - i can help out there. Article 125 of the
Lisbon treaty from 2009 clearly states, that a Euro bailout fund is forbidden, however this is just another example, where the government
breaches the law and unfortunately the constituitional court buckles under their and the EZB´s pressure.
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