What happens in the Ukraine is there for all to see. A by the finance mafia controlled U.S / E.U. / NATO coalition invested
5 billion $ to replace the old elected government with their puppets and also tries to get a hand in the Ukraine´s cookie jar - their oil and gas resources. When the cornered Russian president Putin reacted by securing the Crimea, western politicians stuck their heads together to contemplate sanctions or even like chancellora Merkel threaten Russia, not realizing, that only the NSA listens to her. While Mr. Putin may not be an out-and-out nice guy i acknowledge his politics of conservatism and the preservation of certain values, which get lost in a more and more Miley Cyrusnized western society ( I already ask myself, when German Federal President Gauck demands a gay quota ). Yet when i check the daily synchronised German media all i hear or read is a bashing of Russia, although 9 out of 10 readers comment in favor of Putin. It really seems journalists and paid scibes have to follow a certain line or they would jeopardize their jobs. The otherwise estimated
"Weltspiegel" only interviewed people describing Putin as a madman, the "Spiegel" calls him an arsonist and the list goes on. So the coverage is ridicously onesided and it is necessary to look elsewhere for less biased information, perhaps even the Chinese news agency
Xinhua. As things stand the Crimea will join Russia, while the Ukraine´s western part with the new Nazi infiltrated government looks for a cosy place in the E.U., where they receive many billions of financial aid and at the same time want to keep their sovereignty, yeah right ! In his book
"Elefantenfriedhof" or "Cementary Of Elefants" Raimund Karrie depicts the E.U in the year 2038, predicting the E.U. expands to the Ural, the Euro is long gone, cities run-down and the people impoverished. The jury is out, whether he is right or wrong. I concur with the former.
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