Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

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Friday, April 11, 2014

Fracking - Living in the Gasland

After the dust settled a bit over the Ukraine, US corporations were quick to offer liquefied gas deliveries to Europe to reduce dependency from Russia. Now pretty soon German chancellora Merkel visits B. Obama to receive instructions, lets not forget Germany is a US colony, and i am afraid German customers will have to pay doubled or trippled gas prices afterwards - after all some people want to have a dividend for their 5 billion $  investment in the Ukraine. However this gas is won with the fracking technology, where massive amounts of chemicals are pumped into the soil to crack the shale freeing the gas - needless to say a major damage is done to the natural environment. Filmmaker Josh Fox made a great documentation about fracking ( and his banjo picking is nothing to sniff at either ), which can be seen here, and it's scary stuff, if you can call inflamed tap water just that. I recently wrote a comment to a "You tube" video and was approached by someone asking me to share this video . I duly oblige.

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