Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

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Thursday, July 25, 2019

Celebrating The 50th Year Of The Moon Landing Hoax

My mother told me recently, "They landed on the moon, i saw it on TV". I replied
"Shure, mom, shure." with the old Richard Nixon quote springing to mind and the
television a propaganda tool already back then.

"The ... people don't believe anything, until they see it on TV."

The 60's were a difficult decade for the USA and they urgently needed a success to
cheer up their people and the Apollo mission fitted the bill. Failure was no option
and so the pictures broadcasted in 1969 from the Apollo 11 were certainly not live
and to exclude risks any further they staged the landing in a desert, probably Area 51,
right away.

However in such a vast project mistakes are always made and a profound scrutiny
discloses them in volumes of YT-videos, also subtle ones as the Bernoulli-Effect.
I find it most interesting, that the outspoken Gus Grissom , appointed astronaut for
the Apollo 1 mission, seriously doubted the feasibility of flying to the moon with
the technology at hand. He burned to death a little later in his command module and
suspicions of murder are still lingering.

A question, which naturally arised afterwards is, why the Russians played along per-
haps with the triangulation. I debunked earlier the Cuba crisis and the Cold War as
nothing but theatre of two nations in cahoots with each other. I rather believe, after
they have send the dog Laika into orbit, who died miserably perhaps in the Van Allen
Belt, trying to get to the moon is a. losing uphill battle. Nonetheless they shot cosmo-
naut Jury Gagarin up next to keep the ball rolling. Gagarin probably spent less time
in an airplane like myself, but had that typical Russian countryboy face. He ended up
an alkoholic after returning to earth. IMHO all space programs nowadays are nothing
but a way to extort taxpayers money.

A couple of useful links ...

The legendary press conference from the Apollo 11 crew, speaks volumes...

Russianvids ( reupload )

Gerhard Wisnewski' s  book

Norman investigativ

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