Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

This blog is about my favourite leisure activities and some thoughts in general.

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Sunday, March 1, 2020

The Joy Of A Simple Life ...

I was recently residing in the Peruvian jungle town of Puerto Maldonado and
living with the right partner amidst rather simple and most basic circumstances.
And i must say i loved it and wouldn´t wanted to swap it for a slick hotel room.
Sometimes the rain hammers on the sheet metal roof, sometimes the sun heats
the roof up turning the room underneath in an oven. Nonetheless this sort of
accomodation is a nice reminder about the bare necessities with a couple of
added amenities.

When i first came to Maldonado in the nineties, the town was usually reached
by air. Nearby the airport was a tent put up where folks without a yellow fever
shot had to get one. Also anti-malaria drugs should have been taken in advance.
Meanwhile it seems, no one speaks about these diseases any longer since they
were replaced through dengue fever. While nobody cares about the Corona virus
the dengue virus is rampant in that particular area with plenty of victims hospital-
ized or even succumbed. During my time there large parts of the town were
sprayed with chemicals trying to kill the responsible mosquitos giving me a first
hand experience, what it is like to live in an region plagued with a potentially
deadly disease without panicking.

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