Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

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Thursday, August 27, 2020

More Corona Bollocks

The other day i was sitting in a public transportation bus reading a book. When
my scarf slipped underneath my nose it didn't take long until some old hag
clamoured from behind with another one joined in asking me to cover up my
nose. Then a bloke insulted me gravely and i thought now i am up against a
lynchmob. I can't really blame them after all the fear mongering in the media
as well the transportation federation +++ Wear a mask, obey obey, cover up
your nose, obey obey +++  in an endless loop, turning the people mad.

Folks wonder, why so many countries participate in this scamdemic. The ans-
wer is simple, since every one of them sticks knee deep in debts and with that
handle you get them all through blackmailing or relief incentives. And when
that doesn't work it is still possible to bribe leading politicians.

The usual suspects keep babbling of a second wave and another lockdown al-
though the numbers do not justify it - dates could be August, 30 th or the
September 18 th. It sounds like a self- fulfilling prophecy and predictive pro-
gramming and it seems the following targets shall be accomplished, no matter
what. Corona as a scapegoat for a collapsed economy, abolish cash, introduce
tyrannic measures and of course to vaxx us all. I am convinced they have their
vaccine ready to go in their poison cabinet,while at the same time manufacturers
refuse any liability. In this video an Italian doctor urgently warns to take
the vaccine (3:40)

Are the mass Covid tests conducted to collect plenty of DNA for a data bank ?
Are they a sort of a Gesslerhut known from Wilhelm Tell to check the peoples
intelligence and obedience ?

Matteo is a free journalist, who went all the way to Bergamo to examine hospi-
tals and cementaries for Covid victims. He found next to no one there in this
alleged hotspot. His video was quickly deleted by JooTube though here is an
More of the same from Brazil, where a hospital was raided in search for Covid
victims - in vain.

COVID = Certificate Of Vaccination ID ?

Must watch video by David Icke

Another gem from Max Igan

And finally this weirdo named Kenneth Copeland, who blows away the virus ...

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