Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

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Thursday, March 18, 2021

Holocaust Survey

 Nikolai Nerling aka  " The Peoples Teacher " conducted a survey simply asking his

followers " Who believes, the Holocaust has happened ? ". Of course this a topic

JooTube don't want to deal with and so they instantly deleted the video.

So far around 180 comments have been written mostly from educated and knowled-

gable folks, who know the wrong answer could spell trouble. A small percentage has

been outraged about the question alone, though the vast majority grabbed the oppor-

tunity to vent some steam. It demonstrates how much § 130 StGB subdues freedom

of speech and must be considered a boot on the Germans neck trying to keep them


To me, the result is quite encouraging showing many more folks than we thought of

don't want to put up with the lies they spoonfeed us on a daily base any longer and

keep on pushing. Jews may not lile Nerling, though i suppose at least they respect

him for standing for his beliefs other than submissive German politicians they only

mock at.

Here is the link to Nikolais webpage ...

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