Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

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Thursday, March 11, 2021

More Corona Bollocks Continued

 While many folks lost their existence in the Corona mess and think the only way out

is committing suicide, others make a fortune for instance by developing an Antigen-

rapid test. To my knowledge,  nobody yet cleaned and isolated an Corona virus, so how

can you develop something, when you you don't know, what to look for ? Over at 

Aesku they do not care and sell these tests anyway for are around 25.- Euro for a box 

of five at supermarkets and healthy people are lining up to buy them only to figure out

they are not ill. The alarmist in me thinks these tests are similar to a raffle. Perhaps 

at a raffle every tenth lot wins, while in my belief every tenth test is positive just to 

keep the panic level high - absolutly shameless.

Another example of how rabid cops became these days from Germany, where an 

adolescent hugged an friend without wearing a mask and the police went after him 

in hot pursuit ruining their car in the process. Watch it here.

In the German city of Düsseldorf so called "Verweilverbotszonen" were installed and 

those who dare to stand still in these areas maybe to glance at the river Rhine are in 

for a 50.-Euro fine.

Many people complain, that prominent persons do not speak out against these out -

rageous lockdown measures. One exception is Wendy William, a TV personality in

the U.S., who steadfast declares, she will not receive a vaccine jab very much to the

dismay of mainstream media stooge Dr. Oz. Williams statement can be seen here.

To be continued ...

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