Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

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Thursday, April 15, 2021

AIDS - The Corona Blueprint

 I still remember the rampant AIDS frenzy in the 80's, though because it mostly con-

cerned the gay community and African nations i did not pay much attention. Also not

when i stood next to German tennis ace Michael Westphal in my favourite discotheque

who died shortly afterwards allegedly because of AIDS.

AIDS ( Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), so we learned, was caused by the

HI-Virus (Human Immune deficiency virus ), however none of several tests showed

any reliability and reacted positive for whatever reason. So thousands of people were

told they tested positive and are doomed to die within a couple of years similar as we

see today with the Corona virus. Another parallel is, that back then and today the 

demonic Anthony Fauci functions in the middle of the mess.

Folks died of a weak immune system, but that was caused by drug abuse or by mal -

nutrition. Among gays a drug named "Poppers" (Nitritinhalat) was very popular as a

sexual stimulant, which has a devastating effect on the immune system and is respon-

sible for the Kaposi-Sarkom. Yet the message was out, the culprit has to be a virus, a

theory especially pushed by Robert Gallo and so the pharma industrie had their money

spinner. They came up with the highly toxic AZT, which killed cohorts of patients with

Freddie Mercury and dancer Nurejew only to mention a couple. Basketball star Magic

Johnson was also tested positive, but said "Thanks, but no thanks " and is still living

happily to this day. So there are little doubts AIDS was a scam as is Corona today.

Meanwhile in Germany the sling around our neck was pulled tighter with the "ammen-

ded " infection protection law. Companies are forced to offer their employees free tests

,which also are mandatory in many schools. So what what we will see is an increasing

number of false positive tests, thus higher numbers of incidences, which will be used 

as motivation for endless lockdowns en route to the Great Reset - a vicious cycle.

Last week i had a good laugh, although not very funny. During the radio news they ann-

ounced, that those folks, who received their first Astra Zeneca shot will get something

different for their second one. The first one turned out not be that great , but the next

one will be a lot better - guaranteed. Oh dear, oh dear ...

Book by John Rappaport "Aids Inc."

Express-Zeitung issue 37 

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