Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

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Saturday, April 3, 2021

More Corona Bollocks Continued

 What to do, when your product got bad-mouthed ? You simply change the name of it.

This is, what Astra Zeneca did and hey presto, there brew now is called Vaxzevria.

Same shit, different name - hands off, folks !

Strange happenings in Chile. Despite a large percentage of the population having re-

ceived their jab (Sinovac), the number of Corona cases is allegedly growing. Do we

experience the same phenomenom as we had back then with the Spanish Flu, which 

was not caused by some virus, but through a vaccine ?

It is officially confirmed now, swaps and masks are spiked with impurities, which

could be very harmful as morgellons, nano bots or smart dust. Peoples reduction

in full swing . Watch video here ...

Folks here keep bashing FRiG President Steinmeier, though i believe he is the per -

fect representative of a stinking swamp of lies named Federal Republic in Germoney.

He now delivered his vaccination show, though whatever he got injected, it hands 

down was not a vaccine.

More to come ...

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