Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

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Thursday, July 29, 2021

More Corona Bollocks

 Another episode in this never ending story. Recently a contract has been leaked

between Pizer/Biontech and several states. He determined, that even if their product

is somewhat shitty, the governments have to purchase it and accept all liabilities

in case of adverse consumer reactions. I insinuate, this rather immoral contract was

dictated by Jews.

We must remember Biontech never launched a useful product in the free market and

now brewed something they call a vaccine within a couple of months with a emerg-

ency licence, free of all liabilitiesies and folks fall over each other to shoot that crap

in their arms. Get a clue, why the term "herd immunity" was coined . The contract

can be read here ...

Stunning things happen in Gibraltar. Despite a vaccination rate of 100 % the incidence

reached record heights. Gives vaxxers something to smoke on.

Interesting news from overseas. The USA's CDC will discontinue using the PCR-Test 

at the end of the year, because he can't detect any difference between a flu - and a 

Covid virus. Let's just say, what we are saying for months now. The test is utterly

useless for diagnostic purposes, but nonetheless the base for lockdowns. Hopefully

the Corona narrative will crumble, the sooner the better.

Here somewhat asked some simple yet important questions helping to get a grip

what is going on ...

And finally the German army added another element in their drill "Masks off !!"

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