Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

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Thursday, July 1, 2021

CR 7


Of course the initials from football great  Cristiano Ronaldo and his jersey number.

What sets him apart from other players, who are mostly robot like ball passing

machines these days, are not only his enormous skills, but his off pitch deeds.

In another display, he just demonstrated his reluctant attitude towards things he does

not agree with by shoving Coca Cola bottles aside in disdain during a press conference.

When he was tested positive for that ominous Covid virus last year he called the tests 

bullshit and was certainly right with that statement.

Furthermore while nowadays every baby faced football youngster is covered with

tattoos, he stays away from that, because he still wants to donate blood - quite re -


So he got his share of criticism for his sometimes peacockish antics, though in total

he is a outstanding personality. Currently he heads the top scorer market during

the 2020 European Championships, albeit the Portuguese meanwhile exited and i

need to hope his pursuers from the still participating teams as Schick or Lukaku 

miss out in their following games. Would be really nice if Cristiano justifies my

confidence in him and makes my bet a winnig one ...

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