The next major demonstration takes place in Berlin on August,1 and is once again
organized by the "Querdenken" organisation (literally "outside the box thinker" ). I
am not per se an supporter of them, since they keep demanding to get their basic
rights back, they think were taken away under the Corona - restrictions. Those, who
know, are fully aware these rights never existed in the BRiD , thus the inhabitants
are more or less outlawed. So the Querdenken organisation keeps driving inside the
roundabout, distracting from the real situation in this country and to call them con-
trolled opposition is not too far fetched. Nonetheless they earned their merits by
bringing folks together ...
Meanwhile the incidence here in Germany approaches zero, though chancellora
Merkel wouldn't be Merkel, if she hadn't tried to keep the panic level high by
citing the oh so dangerous Delta variant, formerly known as the Indian variant.
Of course the status of emergency was expanded, so the pharmaceutical mafia
can furthermore peddle their devils brew and no doubt they will muddle on until
the flu season starts, when they finally can roll out the fourth wave with all the
accompanying restrictions. It remains to be seen, if then death will be caused by
some flu virus or the Covid jab - interesting times.
Hope to meet you in Berlin, the struggle still needs to be taken to the streets ...
Smoakpipe released an video with interesting anecdotes concerning Corona and
also about the sudden death of John McAfee ...
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