Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

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Thursday, June 3, 2021

" Lockdown 2 " By Michael Morris

 Obviously Corona devided society in two camps. In critical thinkers not believing

anything politicians and the mainstream media rub under their noses and those, who 

reckon politicians, the mainstream media and the pharmaceutical industry act in

their best interest. Suprisingly the educated elite belongs to the latter ignoring 

that getting information is an obligation to collect for everyone instead of coached

thinking through the MSM, otherwise they would know the consequences the so

called vaccine could have,they are yearning for.

Bill Gates is pretty open about his plans announcing in public he wants to vaccine

7 bn people, when as an eugenic vies to reduce the worlds population down to

500 millions. Since that seems to be a little overambitious, he remarks he could

"reduce the worlds population by 10 - 15 %, if they do a good job ". Connect the

dots, let logical thinking kick in and shove fear aside.

The alternative media frequentenly writes, that the vaccine is actually an Experi-

mental Gene Therapy - i dare to disagree. In my humble opinion the plandemic

was layed out many years ago and certainly they developed the "vaccine" along.

Pfizer & Co. know, what will happen to those having received the jab and it could

get ugly come next flu season, when immune systems have been modified and go

bonkers reacting with a cytocine storm to intruding bacteria. In the "vaccines" mix

adjuvants can be found as mercury, aluminum, formaldehyd and cells from aborted

babys. Furthermore LUCIFERASE and spiked proteins and who knows what else.

How can someone in his right mind allow this to be pushed into his body ? How

can someone until now not know, that the PCR-test, let alone the rapid test, is 

utterly useless and only a tool to introduce tyranny ? Dunno ...

Folks keep asking, how it is possible to organize such a large scale scam. I reply it

is esasier, than you might think given the power some knuckleheads possess. With

nearly every country deep in the debts trap they can be blackmailed until they obey.

Peru is an good example. They received an 11 bn $ loan hardly after the crisis began

and soon after coincidently had the highest rate of Covid cases. How they want to 

pay back that money to the IMF durng an economic crisis is beyond me, but hey

could the IMF say, just keep the dough and install a new president to our liking like

a dude as communist Pedro Castillo in next weekends elections. He would stir up

more turmoil in Latin America and is the right guy to propel the New World Order.

Comply, beloved Peruvians, or hand over all your valuables to the IMF. Talking about

a predicament ...

Then in Africa four presidents didn't want to follow the Corona circus anymore and

passed away of sudden heart failure. Belarus's president and Corona denyer Luka -

schenko all of a sudden has to deal with a dubious case of air piratery involving a

 Ryanair aircaft, with Ryanair owned by the shady Michael o' Leary. The EU and

many western politicians were quick to call for sanctions in that charade against

Belarus ...

In Germany we have the DIVI-institute giving information about the occupation of

intensive care unit beds (ICU). Despite the closure of at least 30 hospitals in Germany

there were plenty of idle beds showing no signs of a pandemic. And even that numbers

could be rigged according to economist Matthias Schrappe. The suspicion is a law

saying, that hospitals receive funds from the government when more than 75 % of

the ICU beds are occupied. So no wonder the fix is in.

I am convinced every major position being a politician, mainstrem media boss or

even an hospital leader is either a member of a secret circle, corrupt or can be black-

mailed for instance for having sex with underage girls. All this needs time to organize,

but those in the drivers seat think far ahead and not short termed. And now airlines

consider to disallow vaxxers on board, because of high risk of blood clotting. You

cannot make this stuff up ...

This lines above stem from my own imagination. Though one of my favourite authors

Michael Morris,has plenty more of interesting bits and pieces about the subject. As

usual a fascinting read and highly recommended.

His book can be purchase here

The Final Refutation Of Virology

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