Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

This blog is about my favourite leisure activities and some thoughts in general.

Please also see my webpage

Thursday, August 26, 2021


 I watched a video about Australia yesterday and it is just appaling, what is happ-

ening down under (link below). By now it should be obvious, that it is not about

some virus, but to introduce tyranny under control from an assorted bunch of

despots, psychopaths and pedophiles. A while ago i posted a cartoon from Ben

Garrison about the plandemic and transferred to Australia they are certainly

meanwhile one step ahead, with measures becoming more and more drastic to

stimulate the relatively low vaccination ratio.

Melbourne used to be the city with the highest living standards worldwide and

now they are hardly allowed to leave their house. On top a huge qurantine camp

is under construction probably geared to those stubbornly refuse to take the jab.

As us Germans Australians as well were stripped of their weapons and not able

to defend themselves against paramilitaric henchmen gone berserk. Though at

least truckers will act now and shut down the country next weekend by blocking

main roads.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Weekend Sports


On Saturday the valuable Ebor Handicap takes place in York. It is an high class

event and as such lightweights are up against it. That is why i pass on the fav

Live Your Dream (IRE) and rather side with HAMISH. He hasn't raced for a while,

so his fitness has to be taken on trust, though i am confident his handler Willy 

Haggas has him spot on for this.

HAMISH is currently third fav in the market and available at odds around 9 ***NR

Football Treble

La Liga (ES)         ALAVES - Mallorca     0:1

Ligue 2 (FR)        Dijon  -  TOULOUSE      2:4

Ekstraklasa (PL)  KRAUKAU  -  Bialystok      2:1  @  9.6   ***LOST

Thursday, August 12, 2021

ARD, ZDF and Goebbels

 The former are of course German public broadcasting stations, while the latter was

the NSDAP propaganda bullhorn back in the Third Empire. I thought about them

and could not see much differences between them, being manipulators of peoples 

minds until most cave in to follow an agenda. The ongoing plandemic could not

happen without the mainstream media spreading fear tactics to fire up folks making

them more acceptable for the jab. On the other side Goebbels laid the groundwork

with his frantic speeches to gain the hearts and minds for the upcoming war and the

depressing conclusion is, back then only a minority was able to do some critical

thinking as it is the case today.

Goebbels was a short, rather ugly guy you cannot sell to the people today, so instead

they use handsome dudes usually trained in Washington and nice graphics embedded

in crime stories and quizzes, thus operate in a more subtle way. But even if you wrap

garbage in gift paper it remains garbage. Though what really becomes annoying is, 

when every houshold in Germany has to finance it with mandatory fees, what is pretty

much unique worldwide.

Someone, who staunchly opposes paying these rates is Georg Thiel. He also refuses

to make his finances public and is sitting behind bars now for around half a year. Here

we are probably looking at an old Chinese way of punishment - Chastise one, educate

thousands. We need more brave lads like Georg Thiel to finally abolish these miserable

propaganda bullhorns ...

Thursday, August 5, 2021

1.8.2021 - Berlin Manifestation Report

 One week after gays and lesbians strutted their stuff in Berlin mostly without masks

and social distancing, Corona sceptics wanted to do the same, though were denied

because they would  not follow the rules. The leftist regime showed their claws ...

A couple of thousand of protesters went anyways and while they marched scattered

across the city i went to the Brandenburg Gate area. I like to hang out there and since 

not very people were there,  the vibes have been really pleasant.

Of course i took my guitar with me and thought i hang a sign on the neck saying

" Undertaker looking for a job ". Obviously it was meant ironic, though when you

think about it you only need to call up your local undertaker and ask him how he is 

doing. He might say he is doing business as usual and thus the alleged pandemic has 

been debunked. I received some thumbs up and also folks told me i would have plenty

of work in the near future. Was she refering to the hapless vaxxers perhaps paying the

ultimate price for not listening? I dunno ...

To loosen matters up i then went to action with my guitar and played "Katyusha" next

to the U.S. embassy or cranked up my Lisheng amp full throttle during police 

announcements, what earned me some pushing and shoving. When i stood underneath

the Brandenburg Gate a heavy downpour happened despite a 0% chance of rain accor-

ding to the forecast. The bystanders asked me to play a blues and i complied getting 

a round of applause. These were the enjoyable little moments in all the mess.

The police or should i use the term "Terrorists in uniform" once again applied brute 

 force against even elderly women and children. Many of them might be hired

mercenaries form companies as Academi, absolutely ruthless and drilled to kill or 

using long range pepper spray once developed to fend off grizzly bears. These tyrants

are the backbone of every tyranny and i wonder what is going on in their minds and

their private life. Do they want their kids to grow up in such an environment and opp-

ress their neighbours - i don't get it. However your job might suck he certainly is a lot

more honorable than what these knuckleheads are doing.

All in all another good day in Berlin with plenty of impressions yet without any gains

made concerning the Corona bollocks ...