Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

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Thursday, August 26, 2021


 I watched a video about Australia yesterday and it is just appaling, what is happ-

ening down under (link below). By now it should be obvious, that it is not about

some virus, but to introduce tyranny under control from an assorted bunch of

despots, psychopaths and pedophiles. A while ago i posted a cartoon from Ben

Garrison about the plandemic and transferred to Australia they are certainly

meanwhile one step ahead, with measures becoming more and more drastic to

stimulate the relatively low vaccination ratio.

Melbourne used to be the city with the highest living standards worldwide and

now they are hardly allowed to leave their house. On top a huge qurantine camp

is under construction probably geared to those stubbornly refuse to take the jab.

As us Germans Australians as well were stripped of their weapons and not able

to defend themselves against paramilitaric henchmen gone berserk. Though at

least truckers will act now and shut down the country next weekend by blocking

main roads.

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