Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

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Thursday, August 12, 2021

ARD, ZDF and Goebbels

 The former are of course German public broadcasting stations, while the latter was

the NSDAP propaganda bullhorn back in the Third Empire. I thought about them

and could not see much differences between them, being manipulators of peoples 

minds until most cave in to follow an agenda. The ongoing plandemic could not

happen without the mainstream media spreading fear tactics to fire up folks making

them more acceptable for the jab. On the other side Goebbels laid the groundwork

with his frantic speeches to gain the hearts and minds for the upcoming war and the

depressing conclusion is, back then only a minority was able to do some critical

thinking as it is the case today.

Goebbels was a short, rather ugly guy you cannot sell to the people today, so instead

they use handsome dudes usually trained in Washington and nice graphics embedded

in crime stories and quizzes, thus operate in a more subtle way. But even if you wrap

garbage in gift paper it remains garbage. Though what really becomes annoying is, 

when every houshold in Germany has to finance it with mandatory fees, what is pretty

much unique worldwide.

Someone, who staunchly opposes paying these rates is Georg Thiel. He also refuses

to make his finances public and is sitting behind bars now for around half a year. Here

we are probably looking at an old Chinese way of punishment - Chastise one, educate

thousands. We need more brave lads like Georg Thiel to finally abolish these miserable

propaganda bullhorns ...

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