1.) THE MONEY SYSTEM - Essential knowledge http://youtu.be/OwQhlUMRvRk
2.) FEMA CAMPS - Federal Emergency Management camps. When the system crashes
and civil unrest arises thousands of insurgants can be detained.
3.) HAARP - Powerful tool to influence the weather. Also can be used as a weapon.
4.) RFID CHIP - Once we all have one implanted their mission has been acclompished.
5.) CHEM TRAILS - Sprayed nano aluminium particles infiltrating the brain causing
Alzheimer disease or other mental problems.
6.) CO ² SWINDLE - Whatever caused the climate change, apparently it is not carbon
dioxide. http://youtu.be/SG3yT0Ol8ik
7.) COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS - Another secret society.

making it necessary to check information from reliable sources other than mainstream media and then form one's own opinion. That said i order my " Team Snowden " shirt now.
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