In a recent
interview the chairman of the German protection of constitution, Hans-Georg Maaßen, mentioned, that they have noticed a number of German written blogs with a pro Russian attitude and he wonders, who is behind them. To put this straight i want to assure him, that although this blog is edited in English for international readers he is not administered by a Russian agent sitting in St. Petersburg, but by a free thinking German citizen, who always tries to figure out what is right or wrong in a ever more complicate becoming world. "Those, who know nothing must believe everything" seems to be the maxim here in the West and this little blog ( being monitored by the BND would be too much honour, really ) tries to counterpart that. In my opinion it's right, what doesn't benefit the financial elite, but serves the interests of people from both sides at the table and is considered fairplay or just decent human behaviour in tune with existing laws. During the current Ukraine crisis it is obvious with whom to side with and everybody who joins the aggression against Russia should question his moral standard. The stakes for the West seem to be very high for a multiple of reasons and this reflects in a behavior sometimes completely void of integrity. So to cut a long story short, i would anytime share a bottle of Stolichnaya with
Wladimir Putin, while i never could stand the presence of Obama, Merkel or BND boss Schindler (
" The separatists are responsible for the clash of flight MH 17 !" Oh dear, oh dear, ... ) among others for a minute, thank you.
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