Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

This blog is about my favourite leisure activities and some thoughts in general.

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Thursday, September 15, 2016

17.09. " Stop TTIP" March

Next Saturday nationwide demonstrations against the free-trade agreement TTIP
take place. Apologies for sounding like a broken record by saying this agreement
has to be prevented for a multitude of reasons since it is a stepstone en route to the
establishment of a New World Order with a One World Government . NWO floozie
Merkel of course speaks staunchly in favor of it and for that alone you have to mis-
trust the whole enchillada. Vice-chancellor Sigmar "das Pack" Gabriel is against TTIP
but for (!?) CETA, which is the Canadian equivalent and the backup plan in case the
former fails . Nice try Siggi , but it is too obvious the elites have you in their pocket.

Also i want to mention the blogger Killerbee here, whose razor sharp ability to analyse
correlations always makes an enlightened read. He recently handed out an reminder
of essential, but meanwhile nearly forgotten values in the German society, which are ...

Truth, Courage, Glory and last, but not least Justice

Germans are generally good-natured, though when good-nature meets foolishness this
spells trouble. So it is important to restore before mentioned values and let the
shysters in politics and the MSM know we don't accept that bollocking any longer.
Saturdays marches are a good opportunity to let those to whom it may concern know,
who are the servants. I will participate in Hamburg and bring my oilcan-guitar to
pluck along trying to make the event peace -, yet powerful.

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