Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

This blog is about my favourite leisure activities and some thoughts in general.

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Friday, March 17, 2017

Europe And The Globalists

The beauty about Europe is, that it is a small continent with a huge cultural and
culinary variety. Within a couple of hours drive, it is possible to delve into a
complete different scenery and that makes Europe  interesting and fascinating
throughout. YouTube has a channel named "wokomoCOOK", who presents a
series named " Zu Tisch ... "(links below), what translates into "To be guest at ..."
and to me it is just marvellous to watch regular folks doing their traditional work
and preparing their traditional meals.

All this is under fire now, since some geezers equipped with enormous power and
wealth decided, Europe needed a makeover with the abolishment of borders and
the migration of millions of mostly useless young men from Africa and the Middle
East, whose task is to mate with local women thus creating a new dark skinned
population,less intelligent and easy to control under the tradename New World Order.

You would think, there have been psychopaths always around trying to impose their
plans on others, however it is impossible to find enough treasonous, opportunistic
people to realize them - well, you never stop learning. In Germany there are battal-
ions of that breed headed by NWO-floozie Merkel and her lickspittles being afraid
of having a deviating opinion, thus harming their miserable professional careers.
In the mainstream media you find this bloke, Kai Gniffke, who as the boss of the
German Tv´s ARD news section, is responsable for spreading propaganda and mani-
pulations through his presenters day after day and the list goes ahead over the 
justice, the police until bus drivers transporting illegals into the country.

Meanwhile a huge asylum industrie has been established and big profits are made
by shady people demanding a higher influx from migrants thus raising there gains
and giving a bloody whit about their homeland. It is that alarming low level of soli-
darity common within the German population, why the downfall of the Federal-
Republic of Germany seems to be unavoidable - we will know more after the next
general elections in autumn, whether the Germans are stupid enough to put their fate
for further four years in Merkel´s hands or perhaps even worse in those from SPD
bugger Schulz given the elections are not rigged.

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