Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

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Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Football World Championship 2018 in Russia

As usual Brazil was made the favourite. They will be desperate to erase the nat-
ional shame from 4 years ago and are looking for redemption. With Neymar
back at peak form they certainly have the players to do so. My main pick though
is Spain, which has along with France the highest team market value and solely
players from European top clubs, a tight unit and good mix between hungry
young players and experienced warriors, however it remains to be seen, whether
there will be negative effects of the quick fire coach exchange.

A team i really like are the Peruvians. These guys play with heart and soul and
are no push overs. Certainly not good enough against France they could have the
measure of Denmark and Australia.

And what about " The Team" , the German National Team is now known after
the name castration ? They won the Confed-Cup last year and belong certainly on
the shortlist despite a lack of offensive power. Nonetheless i can't have them, after
they deliberately lost the EM 16 semi-final against France. You have probably
heard of the latest farce surrounding Özil and Gündogan, who clearly have shown
to whom they feel most loyal to. A self-respecting coach had handed them
baking moulds and would stick them in a sandpit instead on a football pitch; with
a teammate like Paul Breitner from the old guard, who would have both tackled
them hard enough they had to use a walking cane for three months, though none of
his calibre around. Of course no option for coach Löw, a member of the Green Party,
who showed some understanding.

The Federal Republic in Germany is a complete joke, yet a bad one with Löw and
the whole DFB organisation a perfect fit. Will i cheer for them ? Don't count on it, i
rather hope they will be eliminated the sooner the better, so that the focus shifts
back to the politicians and their clandestine planned dirty deeds.

Here is my rota of bets ...

Winner                     Brazil @ 5              Spain @ 7

Golden Boot            Neymar (BRA) @ 11         Lukaku (BEL) @ 17
                               Diego Costa (SPA) @ 26   Isco (SPA) @ 34

Group " C "             1. France 2. Peru      @ 4

Lowest Scoring Group                    " F " @ 10

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