Sr. Felipe enjoying a good puff now upstairs

This blog is about my favourite leisure activities and some thoughts in general.

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Thursday, June 27, 2019

Bashing Germany - The Safe Way To Secure Your Blog Or YT-Channel

You might know, that many blogs and YouTube-channels already have been
shut down or are on the brink of it for their attitude towards conservatism thus
stemming the tide against the left/green agenda trying to install culture marxism.
I stay away from the left-right argy-bargy, but try to be all about common sense,
though none the less this blog contains plenty of criticism against the Federal
Republic in Germany. So if this blog was terminated, it probably has to do with
my stance involving Judaism provided i have ten million more readers.

Take for instance the recent murder of CDU-politician Walter Lübcke near the
town of Kassel. Lübcke got already verbally under fire for mocking locals
being concerned about the migrant wave. His alleged killer was quickly identi-
fied, because of a dander. Yep, not through images of a surveillance camera, but
a single dander. And that dander belonged miracously to a right winger known
to police for many years and conveniently he confessed already. Now of course
i do not believe a bloody word of that plot other than politicians and the main
stream media, who wasted no time jumping on the bandwagon to point at folks
from the conservative politically spectrum. How the dander got on the victim or
that Lübcke was feuding with the Kassel-mafia was not worth investigating. I
am convinced, the secret service has a register with plenty of scapegoats and
their fitting biografy and depending on the hoax or false flag planned, they pull
out Anis Amri in Berlin or in this case Stefan E.

Here in the FRiG many people quote the Basic Constitutional Law, telling us that
chancellora "Shakin'" Angela Merkel offended against that article or the other one,
even people considered legal experts. But what, if that law is invalid not only
because the scratched Article 23 (area of application), but because the FRiG is a
registered enterprise and thus we are dealing with the trade law and Merkel as the
manager, who is free to open the gates for migrants as long her masters concur. In
such a system, which does not acknowledges human beings, but useful and diligent
idiots working for the upper one percent, the ground for lies and deceptions has been
laid out and we see it daily in politics, media and justice.

In that sense i have comprehension for those demanding to bring down our state
simulation , being leftist yahoos or so called "Reichsbürger". Although personally
i am doing well,i don't take it lightly to live in a society, where the values honor,
truth, courage and justice and hardly measurably anymore, so the reinstatement
of the German Empire as a sovereign state independent from Brussels and the
shadow governments might be the sole way to go as a medium for the above
mentioned values.

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